New Year, Same (wonderful) You!
A New Year, same ole’ wonderful you!
We live in a time when we are constantly encouraged to change and refine and be better. And to some extent this is a good thing, but I also think it’s good to recognize that you already are pretty amazing! Things may not be perfect, we may have made mistakes or missteps along the way; we may not feel like our best selves everyday, but my goodness, waking up in the crazy world and simply surviving is worthy of recognition and celebration too!
Though the start of a new year is deemed the time to create goals, make a plan, come up with life-changing resolutions, know that it’s also okay if you are perfectly content just as you are now. I know you enough to know that you’ve already done hard work and have already shifted things in your life to come to where you are today. It’s okay to let that be enough - truly.
When we let ourselves be content with who we are and trust the process of life, we can start to have fun again.
…we can play! It’s funny how as adults we distance ourselves from play and exploration and child-like wonder. We get so tangled in all the life stuff and the striving for more, that we forget we still have full access to joy and silliness and fun!
So maybe a good approach to this new year can be: How will you have more fun? What will you explore? What will bring you more joy and laughter and light?
If you need a little guidance with this, please enjoy my Connect and Create worksheet.